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Squidward doesn't wear pants, because his dick is on his face.
Bitch, please. My sleep last longer than your relationships.
I'M GETTIN PAPER BITCHES! Grandma please, it's only monopoly -___-
Bitches are like diapers. Always on your ass and usually full of shit.
When my mom is like "you better sleep early" and in my mind I'm like "wtf, its summer dude".
COOL STORY BRO, go publish it and sell it to someone who gives a fuck.
Dude, I just poured my heart out to you & you replied "Oh LOL". I hope you get hit by a bus then I'll be like "Oh LOL"
"OMG ARE YOU OK?!" 'Oh yeah you know i just bleed FOR FUN.
Friend calls you at 3AM and asks "Are you sleeping?" And you're like: "At three? No! I'm sky diving!" -__-
Bitch you should open your mind, not your legs.
"I'M RIDING SOLO! I'M RIDING SOLO!" Grandma please! Not at grandpa's funeral!
Bitch please, I could remove 90% of your so called "beauty" with a towel.
You're 13. You were dumped. Your life isn't over.
Can you like … I don't know… Go die or something?
When I kill a spider, I dont clean it up, I leave it there so the other spiders know not to fuck with me!
The word 'studying' was made up of two words originally - 'students dying'.
You're whispering and looking at me. I know you're talking about me, Dumbass.
"Can I have a piece of gum?" "Yeah, but don't say you got it from me"
"Hey, Sorry G2G bye" *Appear Offline* "Thank God that's over."
Your status makes me want to punch you in the face.
My room may be a mess but I know where EVERYTHING is!
GIRLS DAD: "Don't let him touch you", BOYS DAD: "Get in there son."
You calling yourself a model, takin bathroom pics with that dirty ass mirror?
Im tired of all these people saying Swag after EVERYTHING. Swag this Swag that Swag Swag . How about my foot up yo ass SWAG.
Why yo fat ass calling yourself a Barbie... you should be calling yourself 'BARBEQUE' ...let me spell that out for you B A R B E Q U E.
A lot of pictures on Facebook deserve a "WTF is this.."
I'm not addicted to Twitter. I only tweet when I have time: lunch time, break time, off time, this time, that time, any time, all the time.
Some people can't sleep because they have insomnia. I can't sleep because I have Internet connection.
If skinny people go skinny dipping. What do fat people do? chunky dunk.
Those who like me, raise your hand. Those who don't, raise your standards.
2013: The year when the movie 2012 will be moved from the action section, to comedy section.
What did the blanket say when it fell off the bed? Aww sheet.
You never realize how offensive your music is until your parents are sitting in the passenger seat.
Sitting in the cinema, ready to watch the movie, then BOOM! The human giraffe sits in front of you.
My middle finger gets a boner when I think of you.
When I agree with someone, it's for 1 of 2 reasons.. Either I do agree with them, or I agreed so they can shut the hell up.
I hate when my parents wake me up and lie about what time it is.
Maths teacher: I have 5 bottles in one hand, and 6 in the other. What do I have? Student: "A drinking problem."
I love hearing the words “free” and “food” together.
Looking back at a message and thinking "Why did I say that"
if whats ahead scares u, &; whats beHind hurts u..
just look above. HE never fails to help you.
Walking with God is the best adventure, finding Him is the best achievement, and having Him as companioN is the best source of happiness
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