Monday, May 17, 2010


*       The Awkward Moment when someone talks to a baby in a normal voice.

*       "Aaacchhooo!" "Bless you" "Aaaaaacchhoooooo!" "Bless you!" "Aaaaaaaaacchhooooooooo!" "Dude, what the hell?!"

*       I hate when your parents compare you to your friends and they don't know how much worser they are.

*       "Dude, I wasn't that drunk..." ... "You cut all my pineapples and kept yelling, SPONGEBOB I KNOW YOUR IN THERE!"

*       Hi spider. Nice spider. Let me pet you. WITH MY SHOE!. Haha spider. Dead spider.

*       I say we start making the sticky stuff on envelopes taste like chocolate... who's with me?!

*       I push the "STOP" button on the microwave before time runs out, in order to avoid that annoying beeping noise.

*       Our parents used to be happy when we took naps NOW they think we're lazy...

*       Standing in front of a closet full of clothes sayin "I have nothin to wear!"

*       I get re-pissed about an old situation whenever I have a flashback about it.

*       "Tell me, I promise I wont get angry"... "YOU DID WHAT?!"

*       I have headphones on, hint I can't hear you, so therefore stop talking to me!

*       Tip to reduce weight: Turn your head to the left and then turn it to the right. Repeat exercise when offered something to eat.

*       Saying "okay" a million times, just to get your parents to stop talking.

*       Trying to tweet the lyrics for the song you're listening to but it goes too fast for your fingers.

*       Who came up with the middle finger. I mean the first person to recieve it must of been like "What the fuck are you doing?

*       "Did you just call me a bitch?" "No, I emphasized the 'A' in beach"

*       I swear... my remote just decides to take random vacations sometimes.

*       Just because your pretty physically doesn't mean your not ugly! Your attitude determines everything.

*       There's no need to rush. If somethings meant to be, it'll happen. In the right time, with the right person, and for the best reason.

*       Dear shirt, I fell in love with, I hate you. Sincerely, just saw the price tag.

*       Me: I know a gay dude that sounds like an owl. Friend: who?..... Fuck you.

*       I'm pretty sure the whole "ladies first" thing was created by a guy just to check out ass.

*       Dear McDonalds, Thank you for not serving hotdogs, I don't think I could order a super-size McWeiner with a straight face.

*       Dear 8 year old, Get off of facebook and go back to club penguin.

*       I hate it when you really want to say something but you know you can't.

*       A friend of mine said,"Onions are the only Food that makes you cry". That was before I hit him in the face with a Watermelon.
*       Going to McDonald's for a salad is like going to a whore for a hug.

*       I don't have an attitude; I have a personality you can't handle.

*       If I talked to my Parents like some of these kids I'd be dead.

*       When i was a little kid I used to say A B C D E F G H I J K ELEMENO P!!

*       Dear hand Sanitizer, can't touch this. Sincerely, .01% germ

*       I tried sniffing coke once, but the ice cubes kept getting stuck in my nose.

*       I hate how chocolate immediately melts on my fingers. I mean.. am I that HOT?

*       Facebook is where you lie to your friends. Twitter is where you're honest with complete strangers.

*       "Kidnapping" is such a strong word. I prefer to say "Surprise Adoption".

*       That awkward moment when you dont know if you should hug someone or not.

*       Dear YouTube, Please take off the ads, Those 30 Seconds feel like forever. Sincerely, Everyone.

*       1 hour with friends goes by so quickly, 1 hour at school lasts forever.

*       There should be a relationship status on facebook called "I don't know what the fuck is going on".

*       Cell phones should have the option to change "airplane mode" to "drunk mode" that way my drunk texts never leave my phone.

*       I wonder why the whole world doesn't follow me on twitter. Im a funny asian bastard.

*       I'm a leader not a follower. Unless its into a dark scary place then fuck that, you go first.

*       That awkward moment when you laugh randomly because you remembered something super funny.

*       If I ever go homeless my sign will say "betcha can't hit me with a quarter".

*       "I wasn't that drunk " Dude, you climbed up a tree and said "OH MY GOD! Look how big this piece of broccoli is!"

*       Hi,welcome to Abercrombie.. our sizes are: small, x-small,anorexic,bulimic,and malnourished.

*       "That's what she said!" Well whoever SHE is, she sounds like a whore.
*       What do you call a frog doing jumping off a bridge? Kermitting suicide.

*       Boy: I love u. Girl: Aww really? :) Boy: Yep its my favorite vowel.

*       That awkward moment when the whole cast of Jersey Shore dies of skin cancer.

*       The moment you're laughing so hard and you try to stop, but you look at the person and laugh again.

*       I swear my room was clean when I got up... Then I had to get dressed.

*       I feel stupid when I say "what?" a thousand times because I can't hear.

*       Don't wanna sound like a badass or anything but I don't wait 2 minutes after I warm up a hotpoket.

*       There's a fine line between being tan & looking like you just rolled in dorritos.

*       That awkward moment when an emo goes to McDonalds and orders a Happy Meal.

*       I don't care how comfortable Crocs are, you look like a dumbass.

*       When a facebook status has like 100 comments over people arguing... - I'LL GET THE POPCORN!

*       Seriously SLUT, anything could turn you on.You're basically a lamp.

*       Unless your name is Google, stop acting like you fucking know everything.

*       Everything is made in China. Execpt babies. They're made in VaChina ;]

*       Friends are like BOOBS. Some are big, some are small, some are REAL, & some are fake.

*       Dear officer, No, my speech isn't slurred. I'm just talking in cursive. Sincerely, not as think as you drunk..

*       I hate it when you peel off a sticker, and the white stuff is still there.

*       My attitude is based on how you treat me.

*       Sometimes you get so bored, that you're bored of BEING bored.

*       I found a lipstick that helps you lose weight... Its called super glue.

*       I hate when I'm staring at nothing in particular, and then realize I'm looking right at somebody.

*       Satan called, he wants his weather back.

*       Everything seems louder when you're trying not to wake your parents...

*       Parents call it "talking back" we call it explaining.

*       Hearing thumps while in the shower. You think "the whole family is being killed and you're next".