Monday, January 10, 2011

Is Someone THE ONE?

Do you want to know if that 'someone' you're going out with or that 'someone' wooing you right now is the right person destined by fate to be with you forever ? Here are some surefire ways to know if that certain 'someone' is 'the one' ..

1. You're happy and carefree with her . You forget aLL your worries and your probLems whenever you're with her . The whoLe pLanet wiLL expLode and you won't mind .

2. You Love her despite and in spite of

3. You compLeteLy trust her and she compLeteLy trusts you . The word 'SECRET' doesn't exist in your reLationship .

4. You think of her not onLy as your 'gurL' . She is your bestfriend, your confidant, your adviser, and your weLL-meaning critic roLLed into one .

5. You want to be the best for her . You want to give her everything . You aLways want to make him happy .

6. She never faiLs to brighten up your day . Thinking of her aLways puts a smiLe on your face .

7. All the peopLe around you adore and admire her .

8. She makes you to want to be a better person .

9. You think she's perfect despite her fLaws .

10. You wiLL not think twice spending your Lifetime Living with her . You see yourseLf being with her for the rest of your Life .
All check ? Good ..

If not ? Then, wait for the right time that it wiLL aLL be check =)