Saturday, June 12, 2010

random kowts

--If the relationship doesn't make you a better person, then you are with the wrong one.
--the quality of your life dpends on how you love the things you do the things you love & how u love the 1 who loves you.

--In life, we always search for answers because we want to prove ourselves that we had d right dcisions, but the truth is we can't search for whats not there. Things happen because its meant to happen.thats why we forgive people even if they hurt us, we love people who dont love us and we smile despite every painful crash in our hearts. At the end of the day, the lessons you get are the answers to your decisions.

--never change ur oriGinality 4d sake of odErz.
coz n ds world, nO 1 cn play ur role betTer than u. So b urself & win d world.

--real treasures r nt wat d hands cn grasp bt wat d hart cn help.Real peace cnt b found outsyd r self bt w/in r heart

Love is not
the spark felt
whenever she/he's
around, it is
the decision to stick
with her/him
even if the sparks are
-via kt