Thursday, October 6, 2011

understanding men

When you first look at a man and a woman, you are able to notice the subtle differences between the sexes. It is when the two sexes communicate with each other, however, that the differences become truly glaring. This is because one is speaking "he talk" while the other is speaking "she talk."
Where this difference really becomes a problem is when you are in a relationship, and you need to know how to combine "he talk" and "she talk" into "we talk." So I feel like it's my job as a man and as a dating coach to help women learn how to understand "he talk" (or "man talk" as I like to call it), so that they won't need to hire a translator to understand what men are saying.
Women want men to express their feelings. They complain, "Why can't he just say he loves me?" or, "I wish he would just compliment me more."
What you need to pay attention to and realize, though, is that men do tell you they love you and compliment you... they just do it using their own language. Men, in fact, sometimes don't use words at all when they are communicating with you.
This will help you understand men's verbal and non-verbal language.
Sometimes it's not what men say, but it's their actions that are significant. 
Sometimes it's not what men say, but it's their actions that are significant. It is necessary for women to learn to interpret men's roundabout way of communicating with them.
Here are 10 things that men say and do, and what they really mean:

1. He starts talking about how crazy all his single friends lives are, and then he tells you that he doesn't miss it at all. What most women will think if they hear this, is that he misses those days. This is not true. He says this because he is looking for confirmation that you feel exactly the same way. He also wants to communicate that he's ready to take the relationship to the next level.
2. Since you recently took him to your family's house for dinner, he can't stop talking about how much fun he had with your brother. What he means here is that he really likes your family, and wouldn't mind being a part of your family.
3. He teases you about things like how clumsy you are or about how you put smiley faces in every one of your emails. What he's really telling you when he does this is that he really likes you a lot. Remember that men are just giant boys... we tease the ones we love and ignore the ones we don't.
4. A man tells you he needs his space. So what does this mean to you? It means that you need to ignore him and not call him. Men love the chase. By not calling him, he'll start calling you and wondering what happened.
5. A man says that he really wants you to meet his parents. What does this mean in man talk? He's telling you that you are his girlfriend, and that he is ready to take it to the next level by getting you involved with his family. This brings us right to the next bit of man talk.
6. When a man calls you and says, "I want you to meet my friends on Friday night," this is as big as meeting his parents. He's introducing you to his pack. It means that he thinks you are attractive and sexy, and he wants to show you off to his friends.
7. After sleeping over at his house several times, he tells you that the next time you sleep over you should bring some things to make you feel more comfortable and a change of clothing. In man talk, that is basically telling you that he's wondering what it would be like to live with you. He also wants your things around.
8. You have plans with him on a Sunday, and you find out that he passed up floor seats to his favorite basketball team to keep those plans with you. What does that tell you in man talk? It tells you that he's hooked... and that you are his girlfriend.
9. He is watching one of your favorite shows on a night you're not together, and he calls you afterwards to talk about it. In man talk, what does this mean? By doing this, he's telling you that he pays attention to you, and he's interested in learning more about you and sharing more things with you. Men generally do not choose to watch "Project Runway" on their own. If we're watching your TV shows, we really like you.
10. He tells you, "I've cleaned today." What this means in man talk is, "I spent the day doing something I dislike more than anything." You need to realize that when a man says this to you, he really likes you. To most men, cleaning the house is just about the worst way he can spend a day.

Once you understand the hidden language and actions of man talk, you'll become far more secure in your dating and relationships. 
Once you understand the hidden language and actions of man talk, you'll become far more secure in your dating and relationships. So the next time you go over to your man's house and he looks at you and says, "I cleaned today," you'll know that he really meant to say, "I must really like you, because I can ignore my mess most of the time."
*FROM nirdla_24 of pinoyden

How to write love letters


Creativeness. That is the rule when you're writing love letters. You cannot be too staid, too formal, or too ordinary. You have to be different and you have to create a positive, lasting impression on the mind of the receiver of the letter.

So, how do you write a decent love letter? First, ask yourself what you want to achieve by writing a love letter. Do you want to reassure a loved one of your promise to him or her? Do you want to make up with your sweetheart? Or do you just want to say "i love you?" Definitely, you have to be clear with your intention. You cannot just ramble incessantly.

Second, determine what tone you're going to use in your letter. You can be formal, although it takes a lot of finesse to carry that through. You can be poetic, in the tradition of the browning couple, or you can be witty. The latter is sometimes more effective and more attention-grabbing than anything else.

Third, go to your favorite place. It can be your bedroom, the garden, the roof of your house, the library, or anywhere you feel safe, comfortable, and happy. Why? Because when you're in your most favorite place, you guards are all down. You're more attuned to your feelings. Thus, if you're in this condition, you'll never run out of things to say or write.

Fourth, if you're having difficulty deciding how start your letter, get a scratch paper and scribble everything that comes into your mind. Then read all that you have written and pick out the most interesting sentence or phrase you have made. After that, compose your letter using this as your sping board. Eventually, the words will flow more freely.

Fifth, re-read your letter and put yourself in the addressee's place. Think how he or she will feel while reading your letter. Needless to say, this is also a good time to check your grammar. In a social letter, such as a love letter, the conventions in writing are not so strictly followed. After all, you're not applying for a job or anything. But then, you're striving to make a good impression, if you're just in the courting stage. So, it will help if your letter will reflect a positive image of yourself. Moreover, whatever stage you and your loved one are in, in a relationship, anybody will always appreciate receiving a well-written letter.

And finally, to be able to write a decent love letter, be true to yourself. If you're a simple guy, don't pass yourself off as someone who is sophisticated or intellectually gifted. Don't use high sounding words. Don't resort to name dropping as well. And don't you ever use a ghost writer to do your personal letters. It is not only ill-mannered but also an admission that you are not worthy of anybody's trust, respect and love.

So, relax. Just listen to your heart and you will never do wrong.


Here are some tips you can follow to write effective love letters:

1. As much as possible, use your own handwriting when writing your letter. However, encoded letters sent via e-mail are also permissible.

2. Write legibly and avoid erasures.

3. Use a pen with black or blue ink to write your letters. Avoid using neon-colored pens, especially when your letter is long.

4. Write on a clean and fresh stationery.

5. Be honest, sincere, candid, and considerate of other people's feelings when writing your letter.

6. Use the language you're most comfortable in.

7. Avoid using a ghost-writer.

8. Be interesting and decisive.

(I suggest that you use scented papers. Or spray a soft scented perfume on a paper that you are going to write.)

bitchy phrases

I Know I'm Not Perfect, but I'm So Close it scares me~! ~

I smile because I have no idea what is going on

I dont need Your Attitude, I Have One of My Own

****I'm not weird! I'm gifted****

You're only bad if you're caught... So that makes me a good girl, RIGHT!

~What a shame...looks like the ugly fairy kissed you on both cheeks!


Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in her shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes.

Hooked on funks worked far me, Kant cha tell?


Success comes before work... only in the dictionary

~*Never fight with an ugly person~*~they have nothing to loose! *~

Do vegetarians eat animal crackers? 
Everyone gets a chance in the spotlight; you can have it when I'm done!

~* Big Girls dont cry they get even*~


In some cultures what I do is considered normal

Even if the voices are not real, they have some good ideas.

Roses are red violets are blue
sugar is sweet and so are you,
but the roses are wilting, the violets are dead
the sugar bowls empty and so is your head

If you don't like the way I drive, get off the sidewalk

Mirrors don't talk and lucky for you they don't laugh!

I don't come with dice-so don't play me.

This is an inside joke and your on the outside!

-That's all right, that's okay, you're going to pump my gas someday! - 
Don't think of it as losing, think of it as getting beat by a girl

Don't Treat Me Any Differently than You Would the Queen

EVIL is just LIVE spelled backwards

Life isn't a stop being a hoe!


Roses are red violets are blue I'm skitzafranic and so am I!

Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once!

Fact: If you ever hurt get it back 10 times worse.

I never knew my father was an alcoholic until he came home sober one night..."

"Winston, you are drunk." - Lady Astor
"Yes my dear, but you are ugly, and in the morning I shall be sober" - Winston Churchill

"It's not true that life is one damn thing after another. It's the same damn thing over and over."

How many frickin' times do I have to say, 'In the form of a question', people?!?" - Alex Trebek

I no longer wish to belong to the kind of club that accepts people like me as members" - Groucho Marx

Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.

I like to tell people I have the heart of a small boy. Then I say it's in a jar on my desk." - Stephen King

I get to go to lots of overseas places, like Canada." - Britney Spears

Drugs cause amnesia and other things I can't remember

How can there be self-help GROUPS?

What if you're in hell, and you're mad at someone, where do you tell them to go?

Save Your Breath ... You'll need it to blow up your date

Hey! Quit hogging all the ugly!

Don't go away mad, just go away!

We're having creative differences. I'm creative, you're different

Don't talk about yourself so much... we'll do that when you leave.

I'd like to see things your way, but I'm not sure if I can stick my head that far up my ass.

What is your worst sin? My vanity. I spend hours before the mirror admiring my beauty. That isn't vanity, dear, that's imagination.

If your parents got a divorce would they still be brother and sister?

It's a beautiful world but everyone's insane."

~Is Santa so jolly because he knows where all the bad girls live?

It's not that I don't like you! It's just that when I'm not behind the mic I'm a person just like you!

A butch talks dirty to a women and its sexual harassement. A women talks dirty to a butch and its $3.95 a min.

"Drug laws create criminals"

Your friends are worth more than you think--$7.99 at least
"Always forgive your enemies-nothing annoys them so much."

"If you need space, join NASA, baby"

Its not an attitude ,its the way I am

If the ocean was made of vodka and I were a duck, I would swim to the bottom and never come up.
But since the ocean isnt vodka and Im not a duck, Just hand me the bottle and shut the fuck up.