Monday, November 22, 2010


Ryan: Where I come from, having a dream doesn't make you smart. Knowing it won't come true... that does.

  • Alex: She can't fall for you if you aren't there to catch her.
Summer: What do you want from me Cohen?
Seth: I just want you.

Sandy: Just because you're leaving doesn't mean I'm letting you go.

Seth: Its kinda hard to apologise if I don't know what it is I'm apologising for.
Summer: Well its kinda hard to forgive you if you don't know what you're supposed to be apologising for.

Summer: Just remember, this isn't goodbye. You're my destiny, Cohen.
Seth: Go save the world, Summer Roberts.

Marissa: Who are you?
Ryan: Whoever you want me to be.

Because Summer, I like you, this much, and if you don't feel the same way about me, then some one's going to have to give me a hand down because it's really high and i could fall and that would be really embaressing, more embaressing.

"Turns out that I'm quite skilled at getting a date, provided it's not for me."
- Seth, alone

This time I think that is remembered all ... When Ryan says goodbye to Marissa: "you are the first people with whom I met here. And it seems, I am the last person who will say farewell to you"

"I know the only reason you came as my date is so I can introduce you to guys who just stare at your chest."
"Who was staring at my chest?"
"They don't know anything about you, they don't know that in third grade, everyday you shared your lunch with this little squirrel, who's lunch kept getting stolen by a fat squirrel."
"I hated that fat squirrel."
"And they don't know about how your hand shook when you had to read that poem aloud in class."
"What poem?"
"I Want To Be A Mermaid."
"That was like, in sixth grade, I barely remember that."
"I want to be a mermaid, to swim along the sea, and I want all the fish---"

- Seth and Summer reminisce, "The Girlfriend"

"You can't blame me for wanting the company of both of you."
- Seth apologises to both Summer and Anna,

"You do in your art what you cannot do in your life."
- Josh Schwartz, creator of "The O.C."

"She can't fall for you, if you're not there to catch her."
"You're right, I can at least threaten to fight for her and even if it turned into an actual fight I could take Seth Cohen."
"...Did he just say Seth Cohen?"
- Alex, unknowingly giving advice to Zach about Summer

"I can think of no sadder song in the whole world... unless I can think of one last grand romantic gesture... Summers gone."
- Ryan and Seth

"I know I’m not who you all imagined... as prom king. Seeing as how I’m not who any of you actually voted for but she’s the queen and I love her... so I guess that that makes me king? No I’m just the guy standing next to you... alright I’m the jester, perhaps, if that works?"
- Seth, standing in for Zach as prom king to Summer's queen