My mom told me not to talk to strangers. But then I made a Twitter and it became a hobby
When I’m wearing a brand new outfit, I walk out the house feeling all good
When my mom says “I bought food for you”, I’m like oh shit wait, I’m coming!"
When you’re already awake and your mom keeps yelling at your to get up, & i'm like, OK MOM! IM UP!
When you finally get comfortable in bed and your mom says “Come Here!”
When someone makes you mad, but you can’t hit them
When you’re walking in the hallway at school and you don’t
have enough time to talk to your friends, you walk by making a face
When a teacher is talking about her kid in class, all I’m thinking is:
There is no “U” in awesome.
But there is a ‘meThat moment when you press play on your iPod, and you forget that the volume is all the way up
That moment when your friend offers to buy you food when you have no money and doesn’t want to get paid back
That 5 min party you have when the teacher leaves the class.
Having unlimited texting.. With no one to text.
When that annoying person walks in front of you in a movie.
The moment when you’ve been told to take out your gum but it still has flavor left
When you make an epic joke and everyone starts laughing and you sit there with so much power.
When I hear fake girls say they hate fake girls.
When adults complains about our generation
I’m here like hold the fuck up…
who raised OUR generation? YOUR generation did, so…